
A Parent's Guide to Black Lives Matter and A Guide to Black History Month

Resources, activities, and tips for families to explore and uplift Black History, heritage and culture.

Most recent update: 15/10/2020

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Resources, Activities, and Tips for Families to empower children to work towards racial equality and inspire healthy, open, and honest discussion. Please download the fully formatted PDF version by clicking on the link!

Most recent update: 15/10/2020

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Black Lives Matter Guide:

A quick introduction

Peaceful protests, mass marches, and portrayals of violence. Petitions, political speeches, and demonstrations. The last few months have seen movements advocating for an end to racial inequality on a mass scale. Yet, current affairs aren’t always tangible or immediately clear, especially from a child’s perspective. Many children may have questions about the images, stories, and conversations they hear on the news and around them. As parents, if we haven’t already, it is our responsibility to engage in positive and open discussions about race and racism with our children at home. 

Who is this guide for? 

Perhaps race has always been a topic of regular discussion in your family, or perhaps you feel unsure about how to approach the topic of race with your family. Perhaps you grew up never talking about race, or perhaps you regularly face discrimination. This guide aims to provide resources, advice, and tips to ensure everyone is aware of racial inequality present in modern-day society, as well as to share tools and knowledge to combat racism today. 

Racism and race is not a one-conversation topic, and our guide by no means contains all the answers. We simply hope to provide the foundations of a good place to start, to help inspire discussion and empower families to work towards racial equality in their immediate sphere of influence. If you haven’t got kids, not to worry: whilst our guide includes child-friendly analogies and resources, the content is inclusive material for both parents and non-parents alike. 

What is the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement?

In 2012, 17-year old African-American Trayvon Martin was killed by a member of neighbourhood watch, George Zimmerman. The police told Zimmerman not to pursue Trayvon for looking suspicious, but he didn’t listen and fatally shot him. There was a lot of racial bias during the trial and Zimmerman was acquitted for the crime.

In response, the Black Lives Matter movement was formed.

The organisation, Black Lives Matter, seeks to “eradicate white supremacy, stop violence inflicted on Black communities, and create a safe space for Black communities, imagination, and innovation.” Whilst Black Lives Matter is not a new movement, its message is central to the present anti-racist movement in response to the death of George Floyd. The movement speaks out against police brutality and unaccountability, not solely with regard to George Floyd, but also Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the thousands of victims wrongly treated by the police. 

You can find out more about the organisation and their aims on their website (link)

Often it’s tricky to distinguish between Black Lives Matter as a political organisation and the wider social message, as in many ways, both the political and social movements overlap. Black Lives Matter" has expanded beyond the borders of the original organisation, and has now grown today into an international human rights movement, with the common goal of underscoring and combating racism in modern-day society.  It refers to a social media hashtag, an anthem, a slogan, a social movement, or movements and groupings advocating for racial equality and justice. There are debates inside and outside of the Black community when it comes to the movement's political stance on some issues, these differ by country and experience, but that doesn't mean that you can't support the core principles of the movement: equality, justice and a safe, fair world for all to thrive in.  While the calls for impactful policy change become more visible, the core humanitarian message of BLM still stands.

But how do we explain Black Lives Matter to our children?

There are so many layers to BLM it can be confusing where to start when explaining the movement to our children. Perhaps, one of the most important things to highlight is that when we explain BLM to children, you’re not saying that nobody else matters. However, by encouraging statements such as ‘all lives matter’, we risk silencing or undermining the specific difficulties felt by Black communities. There are many simple, child-friendly analogies to help us to understand the principle of the statement “Black Lives Matter”:

  1. Imagine if you broke your leg and had to go to the Doctor. You would want to tell the Doctor that right now, your leg was in pain. Whilst ALL your bones matter, right now, it’s your leg that needs attention.

  2. Imagine you were running a race to raise money at a cancer fundraiser, and someone said to you 'But don't all diseases matter?' Of course they do, but right now, it's cancer that needs funding.

These examples highlight the need to focus on one problem at a time in order to successfully solve it. While it’s true that there are hundreds, if not thousands of issues affecting our societies, solving global systemic racism can’t be fixed by just a few people. It requires everyone’s involvement, which is why the movement has spread far and wide.

Teenagers are more likely to understand the political and social movement in its complexity, and as parents we should create an open space which encourages healthy discussion and questions. 

How do I explain George Floyd to my children?

Perhaps, prior to the death of George Floyd, you viewed racism as something ‘of the past’ or ‘something that doesn’t happen here.’ When talking about the tragedy of George Floyd and similar incidents, it’s important to emphasise that racism hasn’t suddenly appeared from nowhere. 

For younger children:

Perhaps one of the questions children will have is ‘why now?’. It’s important to highlight that incidents of bad behaviour and mistreatment have happened regularly for decades, and no matter how many times people said ‘stop’ or asked for help, little was done. George Floyd’s death was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Explaining the current events can be made comprehensible through a child-friendly lens. How would your child feel if their friend said something mean to them or pushed them because of something they couldn’t control? What if they then did it again, even after your child asked them to stop? And then again, and no one at school helped them? Eventually, they would feel upset and angry. In some ways, this is like the George Floyd tragedy.

Younger children may find it difficult to understand police brutality, so it’s important to explain that while police officers should be kind and helpful, this is not always the case.

This can also be a good time to teach children about prejudice and that we should never judge a person’s character by their physical appearance. Often in our society, and consequently the policing system, there are presumptions of what a 'dangerous' person looks like, which has fuelled many of these acts of police brutality. We should remind our children that a person with a darker skin colour should not be associated with negative characteristics such as being dangerous or unkind, and that we should never judge a book by its cover.

For older children (secondary school):

With a greater understanding of the world and events around them, as parents, we can expand on the above to teach our children the history of race and racial injustice present in modern-day society. We should make sure our children understand that the effects of the slave trade did not just stop at its abolition, but that its effects are still seen and felt today by Black communities all over the world, and not just those in the USA.

It’s important to learn about current injustices, previous injustices, and cases in which people have bravely spoken out such as (but not limited to):

  1. Apartheid in the Republic of South Africa (RSA)
  2. Key figures such as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks
  3. Windrush in the UK
  4. The American Civil War
  5. Examples of everyday discrimination: eg.) CV responses with ‘black’ sounding names being less likely to be contacted, fashion industries prioritising white beauty, disproportionate stop and searches by the police
  6. Grenfell Tower Inquiry
  7. The role of Black soldiers in WWI and WWII & treatment post-war

For a better understanding of these topics yourself before approaching them with your children, we’ve linked a range of helpful resources at the end of this guide.

For some families, particularly white or non-black people of colour, discussions on race and racial inequality may feel like fairly new territory. It can be easy to get used to not thinking about racial identity if it doesn’t personally impact us negatively during everyday life.

It’s quite natural to feel uncomfortable as a parent when engaging in such discussions, especially when it’s not a topic that you’re used to talking about. As Ijeoma Oluo, the author of “So You Want to Talk About Race” tells us:

“If you’re white, and you don’t want to feel any of that pain by having these conversations, then you are asking people of colour to continue to bear the entire burden of racism alone.”

“But won’t talking about race cause more division?”

Often, we are so afraid of saying the ‘wrong thing’ that we don’t engage at all. As a consequence, our children don’t learn about the racism and existing prejudices today, how to be open to criticism or how to reshape their views. We should make an active effort to encourage discussion on race. If we immediately shut down our children’s remarks or comments on race, we risk making it into a taboo topic. Avoid saying things like "that's just life" or "that's the way the world works." Rather, take the time to listen to their thoughts and explore the topic together, it could also help you as a parent to learn new information or see things from a new perspective..

We can’t solve a problem if we don’t talk about it. Invite children to actively see colour, to see culture, to see history, and to acknowledge that race has an impact on people’s life experiences. 

So how can we best do this and what can we say?

Younger children:

Explaining recent events and the deep complexities racism pose are understandably difficult to approach with younger children. How do we explain race and the racism that exists today in an age-appropriate manner? 

A good first step is to frame race and its present inequalities through the lens of how a child experiences the world, such as ‘fairness.’ From an early age, we hear our children say ‘it’s not fair.’ Highlighting examples of situations that ‘are not fair’ and ‘are fair’ is a tangible lens in which young children are able to better understand racial injustice.

For example:

  1. "If we went to the shop and I gave your little sister 5 sweets and only gave you 1, how would that make you feel?"
  2. "If you were hungry and I made dinner for everyone but didn't give you any, do you think that is fair?"
  3. "If you did something wrong and I punished you by taking away your favorite toy and your sister did the same thing and I gave her a treat... do you think that's fair?"

Use simple language and make it clear that you feel the treatment of George Floyd by a police officer was not fair, and that in our family we think everyone should be treated fairly. Personalising your explanation will help make it more tangible, and if you can relate the discussion either to yourselves, your children’s friends or your own family members and friends, it can help to bring these topics closer to home to highlight their importance. 

Children absorb their surroundings from a young age, therefore as parents, we can also actively expose our children to diverse books, films, cartoons, and music to ensure our children do not associate influential heroes, the most ‘beautiful’ princesses, or the loudest voices as solely white. 

Some examples can be found in the resource section of our guide.

Older children (10+):

Most older children have an awareness of what is going on in the world around them. As parents we should, therefore, allow our children to lead the conversation by providing a safe and comfortable environment in which they are able to express themselves.

Ask your children questions:

  1. What do they know about race?
  2. Have they witnessed racism or ever been mean to someone with different skin colour?
  3. What is their interpretation and opinion of recent events?

The case of Shukri Abdi highlights that racial bullying is still present, and as parents, we should take the time to understand the behaviour of our own children. There is a good chance that children pick up on other children's ideas / behaviours that we aren't always aware of, and often those will be the ideas they stick with unless children can openly discuss and process them!

By listening to what our children know, we can then build on their conversation and help fill the more difficult or challenging gaps.

Providing our children with resources from the Black Community - books, film, podcasts, music etc - is also a great way to start (see the resources section at the end of this guide).

So much has happened since George Floyd, how do I keep my children up to date without overwhelming them?

So much has happened since the death of George Floyd, it is sometimes tricky to keep up with the latest news and keep the momentum going behind the Black Lives Matter Movement.
For many of us, 2020 has opened our eyes to racism present in different levels of society. Our dedication to ending racism is not a one-day job, but a lifelong commitment to better educate ourselves and stand up to everyday racism. 

It can often feel depressing or overwhelming to read in the news of another Black person wrongly killed by the police or fallen victim to hate crimes. When keeping your children informed of recent events, it’s important for them to know that the fight is not over, but you can also emphasise on the wins and signs that positive change is happening.For example: large companies updating their branding to no longer have racist connotations (eg. Uncle Bens), new, creative initiatives to support Black communities, successful Black sportspeople and politicians winning competitions and elections that have previously lacked diversity... It can help children to feel empowered, that all is not lost and that their actions are having a small, but positive impact in the direction our society is going.

Here are a couple of the main talking points since George Floyd:

1.) Statues:
Perhaps one of the biggest debates to arise from the Black Lives Matter Movement was the tearing down of statues. As parents, this is a particularly difficult point to explain, as most of us spend a significant amount of parenting time teaching children to respect property. It’s hard to put a definitive answer on whether it is right or wrong to tear down a statue, and our guide aims to put forward some ways to reflect moving forward. 

Traditionally, a statue may represent a certain view of history, an event or even someone admirable. For many Black people, the public placement of statues from the colonial era represents an oversimplified and cruel version of history, depicting the triumph of empire and erasing the harrowing realities of colonial rule. Taking down these statues underscored that in order to move forward, how we look at the past needs addressing. On the other hand, some people expressed concern that if we remove statues, we forget history, raising debate as to the best way to teach history. 

The topic of statues is an interesting discussion to have with an older teenage child and an opportunity to invite your children to think about how they think the past should be represented in the public space. Questioning what a statue represents and where the statue is erected is a good place to start. You could ask questions such as:

1.) What do you think statues should represent?
2.) Where would you put a statue and of what?
3.) Who do you think should decide the commissioning of a statue?
4.) How do you think we should remember difficult events in history?

2.) Free speech
The concept of free speech is important at some point to introduce to children. As British citizens, we are lucky to enjoy the right to freedom of speech, defined by the European Convention on Human Rights as follows:

“Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.”

However, while this does mean that holding and expressing opinions can’t be controlled, it’s important to bear in mind the following statement from the European Convention:

“The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others...”

It’s no longer socially acceptable to make jokes with racial undertones, use racial slurs or express unpopular opinions around race. We should encourage our children to become self-aware of things they say that might be hurtful to others, to actively teach them why these things are wrong rather than just excusing them for just “being children”, and to prevent these behaviours from becoming habitual.

In these discussions, we can acknowledge the existence of free speech and freedom of expression while also remembering that we have a responsibility towards others with whom we share our society. 

How do I explain White Privilege?

There is an excellent video that perfectly captures the concept of privilege as a whole. A group of people line up to start a race. The referee asks questions, such as ‘take two step forwards if you have never helped your parents with bills' and 'if you never wondered where your next meal was coming from' After 5 or so questions, the race begins, with the runners at very different starting lines. Naturally, those who were able to step closer to the finish line were at a huge advantage.

A key message from this video is that these things are not in the individual’s control, and did not come from any of the decisions they made. That is privilege. Here’s the video: https://youtu.be/4K5fbQ1-zps

An immediate response to white privilege may be defensiveness, guilt and awkwardness. But, when we talk about white privilege you’re not saying life isn’t sometimes tricky or that hardship doesn’t exist in white communities. The concept isn’t suggesting that white people have never struggled, or that white people have everything given to them on a plate. Rather, when explaining white privilege you’re saying that hardships or difficult moments experienced in life are not a result of your skin colour and that you have not been held back because of your race. 

Some concrete examples of how White privilege can be seen in society today include:

  1. Black women in the UK are five times more likely to die during childbirth than their White counterparts. This can be attributed to a number of reasons, but racial bias within healthcare services is one of them (source)
  2. Black and Asian jobseekers are twice as likely to be called in for an interview if they “Whiten” their names on their CV (source)
  3. Despite data showing that the Black community in the UK are half as likely to use drugs than the White community, Black people are six times more likely to be stopped and searched for drugs. In the case of possession of Cocaine, White people are 2.5 times more likely than Black people to receive a simple warning instead of being criminally charged. (source)
  4. Until very recently following the initiative of Fenty Beauty, there were no shades of foundation that could be easily bought in pharmacies and beauty stores to match darker skin tones. These shades were often highly priced and sold by specialist make-up brands.
  5. And many more examples detailed in this article.

It’s important to understand, and to explain to our children, that the concept of white privilege is not an attack on white people, but is a reflection of the reality that many communities across the world are affected by. 

As Eric Kaufmann, professor of Politics at Birkbeck College, University of London puts it:

“Rather than imagining a world of conflicting groups in which whites oppress non-whites, we should think of white privilege as a complex structure which all people of all races and ethnicities bear some responsibility for. Instead of adopting a simple minded narrative which demonises white identity and casts white people as the villains, we should encourage the whole of society to work collaboratively to reduce system bias.” (source)

As an individual, we can’t eradicate it completely from society as it is deeply ingrained into many of our systems and institutions. The biggest first step we can take is to recognise it and then to reflect upon how that impacts ourselves and others in our immediate and wider circles. Understanding the origins and the history of white privilege, which dates back to the colonial era and has continued and evolved throughout more recent history, is equally as important and allows us to reflect on how we can change our individual actions to uplift those who might not have the same privileges as others: whether we’re White, Black, Asian or from any ethnicity

The starting point is recognising its existence and effect on society. By then addressing the underlying unconscious biases and prejudices, with time, society can move forward to a place of equality.

It's not just a narrative of struggle

As parents, whilst it is important to underscore the importance of racism both today and throughout history, it is equally important to celebrate Black achievements, contributions, and history outside a frame of struggle. Western perception has contributed to portrayals of Africa as an impoverished, suffering ‘country’ with a dark past, rather than a continent with over a billion people, 50+ countries and 2000+ languages - each with unique traditions and stories. 

The ethnic heritage and contributions of Black communities are something valuable that’s worth exploring and helps us to acknowledge that Black history is multidimensional, beautiful and inspirational with many positive elements. We can all do more to ensure we take the time to understand and appreciate different cultures, traditions and stories. For example, we can expose our children to different cuisines, Black authors, Black musicians, and Black artists and help our children celebrate diversity. At the same time as introducing our children to new perspectives, ideas and culture, this also allows us to support Black-owned businesses, and as such, help reduce some of the economic inequalities faced by the community. Some directories of Black-owned businesses in the UK can be found at UK Black Owned and  Black2Business.

As well as this, we can and should recognise the contributions that Black inventors, scientists and politicians have made towards many of the modern-day amenities that are used everyday, giving them the credit that’s well deserved. While Thomas Edison is renowned for inventing the lightbulb, few people know that it was actually an African-American inventor, Lewis Latimer, who invented the carbon filament that allows the bulb to function. Other inventions which were pioneered or greatly improved by Black inventors include the three-light traffic light system (Garrett Morgan, 1923), refrigerated trucks (Frederick McKinley Jones, 1940) and the first colour PC monitor (Mark Dean, 1980).These are just a few great trivia facts that can even set your kids apart from others in their class or friendship group, and a way for children to show off their knowledge about the world (as well as boosting their chances in Trivial Pursuit).

Check out more content, resources and activities in our Guide to Black History Month 

How does LGBTQ fit into the Black Lives Matter Movement?

Children (8+) understand that humans are multidimensional beings, with lots of different things that make up who they are. Parts of our identity overlap, intersect and one part of our identity is not at war with another, both go hand in hand to make us who we are. This can be summarised as the concept of intersectionality.

For example, while Black Lives Matter seeks to combat the racism that is experienced by the Black community as a whole, it is true that Black women and Black men can sometimes experience racism differently. The same can be said with sexuality, class and religion, which can each overlap with race and each other to create unique systems of discrimination, privilege or disadvantage.

In order to be an effective ally with the movement and to fully comprehend how our children might experience or witness racism in their daily lives, we must not forget about how intersectionality plays a part in how individuals might be affected by racism. It’s not a way to divide people further, but a way of ensuring that everyone’s needs and struggles are visible and able to be addressed.

What is LGBTQ+:
LGBTQ+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning. These terms are used to describe a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. 

What’s the link to Black Lives Matter?
LGBTQ+ and Black Lives Matter intersect and overlap. Pride marches actually began with the Stonewall Riots against police brutality in 1969, predominantly led by LGBTQ+ people of colour - Storme DeLarverie, Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Riveria. As pride became a celebration, on the flipside, many black LGBTQ+ people, particularly trans people, were marginalised, violently discriminated against and made unwelcome in the LGBTQ+ community. On top of this, their sexual and/or gender identity made them unwelcome and violently discriminated against in the Black community. 

The founders of BLM are women, of whom two of three identify as LGBTQ+.They underscore that all black lives matter, putting LGBTQ+ at the centre of the discussion. One of the central ambitions of the Black Lives Matter movement is to: “affirm the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, undocumented folks, folks with records, women, and all Black lives along the gender spectrum.” 

To support Black Lives Matter means to support all Black lives, regardless of sexual identity, disability and gender. It is an affirmation and a reminder that you don’t need to hide one part of your identity to celebrate, support and uplift another. Therefore, it is important that children are taught to be accepting of communities that they may not be a part of outside of the parameters of race, whilst also being aware that they sometimes interlink and have shared challenges. 

Encouraging children to speak up against injustice

Research has shown that racism is still a widespread problem in schools in the UK: Ofsted has reported that racist language is still commonplace in schools, and around 60% of teaching staff has witnessed racist bullying amongst pupils (source).

Many parents may shy away from discussions of race, under the preconception that ‘my kids wouldn’t behave like this.’ However, there is still plenty your children can do to stop racial prejudice at school, playgrounds, and activities. Even if you think your kids wouldn’t personally engage in racist behaviour, there are still things they can do to help create safe and inclusive spaces for everyone. 

Encouraging our children to speak up and stand up to racism is not asking your child to fully understand exactly what it feels like to experience racism. Rather as parents we should be helping them to understand the struggle as if it were their own, learn when to listen and when to speak up. As parents, we’re not trying to pass on the idea that every minority group feels oppressed, rather we should be encouraging our children to speak out against injustice, be proactive learners and positively alter implicit bias.

This means encouraging the next generation, as well as ourselves, to be mindful citizens that are open to listening and are prepared to improve the way they see the world. Inspire your children to be brave and speak out to their teachers, their friends, their parents, and figures of authority in cases of injustice. Encourage them to be curious and to question their own prejudice or the prejudice present in school or activities.

The Guide to Allyship suggests to: 

  • Stand up, even when you feel scared
  • Transfer the benefits of your privilege to those who lack it
  • Acknowledge that while you too feel pain, the conversation is not about you
  • Own your mistakes and de-center yourself 
  • Understand that your education is upto you 
  • Amplify the voices of oppressed before your own 

Being a role model through action

Perhaps one of the biggest takeaways from our guide is to underscore that changing attitudes towards race starts at home. Once we as parents understand anti-racism ourselves, we are then able to lead by example to our children. 

Being open to change and criticism of current views is a powerful lesson, helping our children become better and conscientious world citizens. Actions often speak louder than words, and our children mirror how we act in day-to-day life. From a young age children take note of our actions, meaning that if you open discussion on race at home, yet treat people differently in view of their race, your children are likely to adopt similar behaviour.

Whilst it's not always easy, as parents we should try to acknowledge and be aware of our own implicit bias. Take note of your gestures, how you look at people, and how you interact with people. Small changes such as these go a long way.

A selection of educational resources for you and your family (please look beyond this list as well!): 


Younger children: 

  1. Grace Byers: I am enough (Age 3-8) 
    A child-friendly simple picture book that reminds us to love ourselves for who we are, to be kind and to respect others
  2. A is for Activist (1+)
    An ABC book packed with definitions and eye-catching pictures that help children engage in and understand activism
  3. Something Happened In Our Town (age 4-8)
    The story of a white family and a black family as they explore a police shooting of a Black man in their town. The book aims to help children understand and identify racial injustice and help answer questions on the nature of traumatic events. 
  4. Matthew Cherry: Hair Love
    A short book and film that narrates an African-American father’s relationship with his daughter and styling her hair. The book encourages love and mainstream exposure to people of colour’s hair.
  5. Cobzi A. Cobrera: My Hair is a Garden
    Mackenzie is upset about mean comments about her hair. We follow her story as she learns to love her hair with the help of her neighbour Miss Tillie. Using her garden as a metaphor Mackenzie learns not to fear her hair but to see it as beautiful.
  6. Vashti Harrison: Little Leaders: Bold Women In Black History (Age 7-10)
    An illustrated history book of the stories of amazing Black women in history and their achievements
  7. Andrea Davis Pinkey: Let it shine (ages 5-9)
    An illustrated story of Black women doing amazing acts in history, speaking out against racism and oppression.
  8. Fran Manushkin Happy in our skin (Age 2+)
    A book to teach kids about diversity. The illustrations feature children with different skin colours, glasses, freckles, unibrows, wheelchairs, and birthmarks to help encourage the beauty of diversity 
  9. Ilyasah Shabazz: Malcolm Little: The Boy Who Grew Up To Be Malcolm X (Age 5-10)
    The childhood story of one of the most influential Black American men, Malcolm X, written by his daughter
  10. Ibtihaj Muhammad: The Proudest Blue (Age 4-7) 
    A beautiful story of being proud of your identity. In the face of hurtful words, Faizah finds the way to be proud of her bright blue hijab.  
  11. Jacqueline Woodson: The Day You Begin (Age 4-7) 
    The story of finding the courage and bravery to be different and connect with people when you feel alone or when “no one is quite like you” 

More here: https://twitter.com/wanderingbritt_/status/1267617830872154113?s=21

Older Children

  1. Malorie Blackman: Noughts and Crosses series (age 11-16)
    Takes social norms and flips them on their head and confronts the legacy of slavery in an engaging and comprehensible manner for teenagers.
  2. Maya Angelou: I know why the caged birds sing (14+)
    The first of seven autobiographies of the writer Maya Angelou, describing how her love of literature and personal strength helped her face racism throughout childhood and early adolescence
  3. Angie Thomas: The Hate You Give (14+)
    Inspired by the Black Lives Matter Movement this story follows Starr Carter and we follow her journey as she tries to speak up for the tragic death of her childhood friend, Khalil.
  4. Lisa Heathfield: I am not a number (14+)
    Set in a dystopian future, we follow the story of the rise of ultra-conservatism through the protagonist Ruby.

Parents (and older children/teenagers)

  1. The Lonely Londoners: Sam Selvon
    The story of black immigrants coming to Britain after WW2, explains how Britain in need treated immigrants with racism and prejudice
  2. Nikesh Shukla: The Good Immigrant 

A collection of short personal experiences of the experience of 21 influential British Asian and minority ethnic voices in Britain today. They paint a picture of what it is like to be ‘other’ in Britain today. Poignant, challenging, funny, interesting, and inspiring, this is a must for your teenage child to see Britain outside of a white lens. 

  1. Reni Eddo-Lodge: Why I’m no longer talking to White people about race

A sharp wake up call to institutionalised racism and outlines what it means to be a person of colour in Britain in 2020. 

  1. Afua Hirsch: Brit(ish)
    An exploration into what it really means to be Black and not accepted in British society and how the impact of the past on the present. 
  2. David Olusoga: Black and British: A Forgotten History
    A historical exploration of the long relationship between Britain and the people of Africa dating to Roman times.
  3.  Bernadine Evaristo: Girl, Woman, Other 
    A novel that follows 12 women over several decades but it is also a sweeping history of the black British experience
  4. Ijeoma Oluo, So you want to talk about race
    An exploration of race in America, aspects of white supremacy--from police brutality to the mass incarceration of African Americans

Films: appropriate for younger children/ families

1) Remember the Titans (PG)

Based on the true story of high school football coach Herman Boone in the 1970s, and how he diffuses racial tensions, teaching his players to come together on and off the field.

2) Hidden Figures (PG) 

Based on the true story of three mathematicians in the 1960s — Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson. This film portrays how these three women overcame race and gender obstacles and become key members of NASA. 

3) Queen of Katwe (PG) 

Set in Katwe, Uganda, 10-year-old Phiona Mutesi’s life changes forever after a visiting missionary teaches her how to play chess. She becomes an international chess star, and we follow how she faces poverty, violence, and racism along the way.

4) Akeelah and the Bee (PG)
The story centers around Eleven-year-old girl from south Los Angeles, Akeelah. Her mother works incredibly hard and she lost her dad at six. We watch as Akeelah learns to believe in her capabilities and overcome challenges to compete at spelling bees.

5) The Boy who Harnessed the Wind (PG) 

Based on a true story, this film depicts William Kamkwamba, a 13-year-old boy who devises a way to save his Malawi village from famine. 

6) The Painting (U)
An animated metaphor for racism. Originally a French film we explore a kingdom is divided into the three castes: the impeccably painted Alldunns; the Halfies who the Painter has left incomplete; and the untouchable Sketchies

7) The Princess and the Frog (PG)
Disney’s first on-screen Black Princess, this story follows Tiana on her journey to opening her own restaurant. A kind-hearted, funny, and lovely story of turning a frog prince back into a human being.

8) Coach Carter (12A) 
Based on a true story, a sports store owner accepts the job of basketball coach for his old high school. He sets out on a mission to change things attitudes surrounding relationships with others, kindness, and education to ensure his team has access to the best opportunities in life after high school.  

9) The pursuit of happiness (12A) 
Based on a true story of a father-son family the film follows a father and son rise from the bottom rung of the ladder in 1980s San Francisco

10) The Hate You Give (12) 
Based on the novel and inspired by the Black Lives Matter Movement this story follows Starr Carter and we follow her journey as she tries to speak up for the tragic death of her childhood friend, Khalil.

Biographical films: appropriate for older children and parents

1) Becoming (PG)
Join former first lady Michelle Obama in an intimate documentary look at her life, hopes and connection with others as she tours with “Becoming”.

2) Mandela (Long walk to freedom) (12)
A chronicle of Nelson Mandela's life journey from his childhood in a rural village through to his inauguration as the first democratically elected president of South Africa, depicting Mandela’s viewpoint on the apartheid years.

3) Who killed Malcom X? (12)
A Netflix miniseries following the work of Abdur-Rahman Muhammad, a historian who has been investigating the assassination of Malcolm X.

4) Ray (15)
An award-winning independent film focusing on the life of Ray Charles, a pioneer of soul music with one of the most recognisable voices in American music who went blind at the age of seven

5) Ali (15)
A biography of Muhammad Ali following his heavyweight boxing career, conversion to Islam and criticism of the Vietnam War during a time of social and political upheaval following the assassinations of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King.

6) King in the Wilderness (12A)
A HBO produced biography on the last 18 months of Martin Luther King’s life. Very current, especially with the discussions of non-violence and the current discourse surrounding how to protest.

7) Malcolm X (15)
A dramatised biopic following key events in the life and upbringing of Malcolm X, one of the most well-known civil rights and black empowerment activists.

8) What Happened, Miss Simone? (15)
A biography of the life of American singer and civil rights activist Nina Simone, combining unreleased archive footage and interviews with her daughter and friends.

Contextual / political dramas: appropriate for older children and parents

1) Green Book (12A)
Inspired by a true story, world-class African-American pianist Dr Don Shirley embarks on a concert tour of the Deep South in 1962, recruiting a tough-talking Italian-American bouncer from the Bronx as his driver and protection. The two men develop an unexpected bond while confronting racism and danger in an era of segregation.

2) The Help (12A)
A period drama set during the Civil Rights Movement in 1963 Mississippi following the story of a young white aspiring journalist “Skeeter” who writes a book from the perspective of two black maids, Aibileen Clark and Minny Jackson, exposing the racism and hardships they are faced with, causing life in their town to never be the same again. (note: film is shown predominantly through white lens/white storytellers)

3) American History X (15)
An American crime drama film following a former neo-Nazi imprisoned for killing two black youths who vows to change his racist, violent ways, struggling with his own deeply ingrained prejudices and wondering if his family can overcome a lifetime of hate.

4) Do The Right Thing (15)
A local becomes upset when he sees that his local pizzeria in a predominantly black neighbourhood only shows Italian actors on their Wall of Fame, rather than black actors. The wall becomes a symbol of racism and hate to the neighbourhood and tensions rise on the hottest day of the year.

5) Moonlight (15)
The first award-winning film with an all-black cast and LGBTQ-related following the youth, adolescent and early adult life of Chiron, exploring the difficulties he faces with his sexuality, identity, and abuse he endured growing up.

Historical films about slavery: appropriate for older children and parents

1) Amistad (15)
A historical drama based on true events aboard the slave ship “La Amistad” following the events in which the kidnapped Mende tribesmen managed to gain control of their captor’s ship, and the international legal battle that ensued.

2) 12 Years a Slave (15)
An adaptation of the 1853 slave memoir by Solomon Northup, this biographical period drama follows his life after he was kidnapped and sold into slavery by two conmen for 12 years before being released.

Documentaries: appropriate for older children and parents

1) 13th (15)
A powerful documentary that addresses racial issues confronting America in 2016 including police brutality and mass incarceration (currently available on Netflix)

2) The Black power mixtape (12A)
A documentary film, directed by Göran Olsson, that examines the evolution of the Black Power movement in American society from 1967 to 1975 through the lens of Swedish filmmakers

3) When they see us (15) 
Based on a true story, five teens from Harlem are falsely accused of a brutal attack in Central Park.

4) Chris Rock’s Good Hair (PG-13)
A documentary film focusing on the issue of how African-American women have perceived their hair and historically styled it, exploring the current styling industry for black women, images of what is considered as acceptable or desirable, and their relation to African-American culture.

5) When the Moors Ruled in Europe (Youtube)
An eye-opening Youtube documentary highlighting the Moors’ architecture and intellectual accomplishments in Spain, information which has been systematically written out of history since the 1500's.

6) Black Wall Street Burning (R)
A retelling of the worst act of American terrorism and racism in American History. The Tulsa race massacre of 1921 took place on May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of white residents attacked black residents and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

7) Paris is Burning (15)
An invaluable documentary to the end of the “Golden Age” of New York City drag balls and a thoughtful exploration of race, class, gender and sexuality in America.

8) Self- Made (Inspired by the life of Madam C.J. Walker) (Netflix series)
Based on a true story, an African American washerwoman rises from poverty to build a beauty empire and become the first female self-made millionaire.


Talking about race https://nmaahc.si.edu/learn/talking-about-race (parents)

Anti-racism resource list for beginners: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S5uckFHCA_XZkxG0Zg5U4GQGbY_RklZARwu43fqJH0E/preview?pru=AAABcqQalEw*P8cjSDUbX97mvZjKJdaMsw (parents and older children)

100 race-conscious things you can say to your child: http://www.raceconscious.org/2016/06/100-race-conscious-things-to-say-to-your-child-to-advance-racial-justice/  (parents)

Your kids aren’t too young to talk about race: https://www.prettygooddesign.org/blog/Blog%20Post%20Title%20One-5new4?fbclid=IwAR1Xg3lpkvY3t4JVCr8BF9TOa2m-2gdQxkCD_IPSmmopTquWSxbZQa6cX0Q (parents)

How to talk to kids about race and racism: https://www.parenttoolkit.com/social-and-emotional-development/advice/social-awareness/how-to-talk-to-kids-about-race-and-racism (parents)

Written by Lily Pryer and Francesca Chong, with special contributions from Mischa Macaskill, Saffia Anderson and Idris Mhiri

Special thank you to all those who have spoken up against the discrimination to help us understand, even though they don't owe us an explanation of the pain felt.

Further credits:

Twitter threads Semaj Mitchell, Brittany, and  Makayla Butler 

Kris Staub illustration on Black Lives Matter https://www.krisstraub.com/ 

Good Housekeeping What Black Lives Matters Mean 

The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jun/09/protests-british-history

National Geographic https://www.nationalgeographic.com/family/in-the-news/talking-about-race/

Woman’s Day https://www.womansday.com/life/entertainment/g32745225/movies-about-race-racism-kids/ 

Gal-Dem Magazine https://gal-dem.com/the-death-of-shukri-abdi-she-was-failed-when-she-was-alive-and-shes-still-being-failed-now/

History.com https://www.history.com/news/8-black-inventors-african-american#:~:text=Carbon%20Light%20Bulb%20Filament%2C%20Invented,African%2DAmerican%20inventor%20Lewis%20Latimer.

Download the Guide here!

A guide to black history Month

A quick introduction:

For many of us, 2020 has been a wake-up call to open our eyes, learn, and take action against deep-rooted racism ingrained in many levels of society. Our commitment to ending racism is not a one-day job, but a lifelong commitment to better educate ourselves, question our implicit bias or existing racial prejudices, and stand up against racism.

But how do we go about ensuring we commit meaningfully to this pledge?

Black History Month (BHM) is an occasion for all of us to ensure that #BlackLivesMatter doesn’t stop at a social media hashtag and that our solidarity is not performative. Our quick resource pack is inspired from our publication back in June, A Parent’s Guide To Black Lives Matter, and aims to shine the spotlight on the many ways we can ensure both ourselves and our children explore and uplift Black history, heritage and culture.

Participating in Black History Month is important as it encourages us to dedicate a month to educating ourselves about the multifaceted history of Black culture and civilisations, aspects that many of us did not get introduced to in school, and to challenge the oversimplification of Black history within society. This month encourages us to view history centered on the Black experience and is a step to advocate for more inclusive education from the multitude of ethnic identities that make up the delicate and important fabric of Black cultural and ethnic groups. Black History Month is an impactful and important springboard to expand educational horizons and acknowledge the generational contributions of Black people both past and present. Listening to Black narratives is imperative to understanding where we have been, how far we have come, and how far we have to go as a society.

What is Black History Month?

Black History Month is an annual celebration throughout October that marks the achievements and contributions of Black people across the UK, and puts the spotlight on Black history, heritage, tradition and culture. Talking about Black History at home is a great starting point to create an inclusive space, as well as fill some of the gaps in history lessons and our own personal knowledge.

This October, if you haven’t already, invite children to actively see colour, to see culture, to see history, and to acknowledge that race has an impact on people’s life experiences and their world view.

Black history is beautiful, far reaching and extremely interesting! After all, it is part of our everyday lives, the clothes we wear, the music we listen to and everyday items we could not imagine living without.

Whilst October is the official month to mark Black History, this doesn’t mean educating ourselves about Black History should be reduced to just four weeks of the year. It’s impossible to squeeze thousands of years of history into just 31 days. Black history, and by extension, Black voices, should be heard 365 days a year. This year has underscored the importance of Black people leading and contributing to how their history is presented. This means going beyond one version of history, and making space for a wider breadth of narratives of Black History, listening to Black voices, and learning about how history has impacted the lives of real citizens.

Why is Black History Month important?

Black History Month originally aimed to fill the gaps in the education system and combat racism in the 1980s. This aim is still important today, we should all make a conscious effort to learn about the influence and contributions of Black people throughout history to make an inclusive space for everyone. To appreciate each other better, and to be more grateful for the things we have and where they come from. The children of today will grow up to be the leaders, business owners and voices of tomorrow, so the history lessons and perspectives we teach them now, both in school and at home, are the first step in enabling long-lasting change and empowerment that spans generations.

Black History is not just a narrative of struggle

Whilst it is important to underscore the importance of racism both today and throughout history, it is equally important to celebrate Black achievements, contributions, and history outside a frame of struggle. It’s important to learn about the slave trade, colonialism and civil rights movements, but it is equally important to acknowledge and explore Black History in its own right throughout history.

The ethnic heritage and contributions of Black communities is something valuable that’s worth exploring and helps us to acknowledge that Black history is multidimensional, beautiful and inspirational with many positive elements. We can all do more to ensure we take the time to understand different cultures, traditions and stories. For example, we can expose our children to different cuisines, Black authors, Black musicians, and Black artists and help our children celebrate diversity. We can also introduce our children to diverse books, films, cartoons, and music to ensure our children do not associate influential heroes, the most ‘beautiful’ characters, or the loudest voices as solely White. At the same time as introducing our children to new perspectives, ideas and culture, this also allows us to support Black-owned businesses, and as such, help reduce some of the economic inequalities faced today. Some directories of Black-owned businesses in the UK can be found at UK Black Owned and Black2Business.

As well as this, we can and all should recognise the contributions that Black inventors, scientists, artists, musicians and politicians (to name a few), have made towards many of the modern-day amenities that are used everyday, giving them the credit that’s well deserved. While Thomas Edison is renowned for inventing the lightbulb, few people know that it was actually an African-American inventor, Lewis Latimer, who invented the carbon filament that allows the bulb to function.

Other inventions which were pioneered or greatly improved by Black inventors include the three-light traffic light system (Garrett Morgan, 1923), refrigerated trucks (Frederick McKinley Jones, 1940) and the first colour PC monitor (Mark Dean, 1980). These are just a few great trivia facts that can even set your kids apart from others in their class or friendship group, and a way for children to show off their knowledge about the world (as well as boosting their chances in Trivial Pursuit).

A few interesting historical figures and events to explore (please research your own resources as well):

Civil rights movements

Key figures such as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks

Mary Seacole, the brave heroine, traveller, business woman and nurse who defied social expectations of the 19th century.

Florence Price, the first African-American woman to be recognised as a symphonic composer

Diane Abbott, Britain’s first and longest serving Black MP

John Kent, Britain’s first Black police officer

The Windrush Generation, with inspiring people such as Caribbean neurologist Dr Risien Russel, Sam King - the Jamaician RAF pilot and Mayor of London Borough of Southwark. More pioneering figures to explore can be found at Windrush Foundation

Black WWI and WWII soldiers such as Walter Tull

Black Britons in the Tudor, Edwardian and Victorian Period. For example, John Blanke - Henry VIII's trumpet player!

Black Royals, such as Omoba Aina, a Yoruba princess given to Queen Victoria as a gift. Dido ‘Belle’ Lindsay the first dual heritage Black Aristocrat. Prince Alemayehu, son of Emperor Tewodros II of Ethiopia, who at seven-years old was taken to the UK along with looted treasures during the British invasion of Ethiopia in 1868.

The list shouldn’t stop here (unfortunately we can’t include everyone or our guide would go on for years!) We should, however, all actively research and make space for less known Black History.

A part of Black History month is reflecting on how we can broaden historical discourse, which means looking beyond the same famous figures and events. Ways to do this could include supporting Black narratives in exhibitions, museums and galleries, attending educational visits, reading diverse books, and getting involved in our local community.

Rethinking how we see Africa

Western perception has contributed to portrayals of Africa as an impoverished, suffering ‘country’ with a dark past, rather than a continent with over a billion people, 50+ countries and2000+ languages - each with unique traditions and stories. It's important to remember that there is so much history to discover, learn and talk about dating from before, and indeed after, the Slave Trade. Child friendly books such as Amazing Africa by Atinuke (6 years +), which illustrates Africa country by country, are excellent resources to inspire children to see Africa in all its diversity.

The World Heritage Sites across Africa: A good place to start to show and celebrate the geographical diversity and natural beauty across the continent. Where would your children like to visit most?

The immensity of Africa’s size: It’s hard to visualise just how big Africa is, but actually, you can fit the US, China, India, Japan and many European countries into Africa! You can draw this out to visualise it with your children.

Kingdoms of Ancient and Medieval Africa: History in Africa didn’t start at colonisation. Read up how different African kingdoms and civilisations, such as the Moors contributed to shaping Africa and the world today.

Reconstructing African history outside a lens of slavery and colonisation: Parents and Older teens can check out the UNESCO project for more reading. No country in Africa is the same and there are fun ways we can help our children see the world in it’s enormity. You could get your children to choose one African country and at dinner-time ask: what is the national language, what is the capital, a famous song from and one interesting thing you found out about their country. Children enjoy showing off their new skills, let them take centre stage!

Thinking about Windrush

Perhaps you had scarcely heard of Windrush prior to the high-profile political and media attention in 2018, in which hundreds of Caribbean people in the UK were unlawfully wrongly targeted by immigration enforcement laws after being granted indefinite leave to remain. This saw many elderly Caribbean people wrongfully deported to their countries of origin, stripped of their citizenship and rights - with some sadly passing away due to their treatment.

The National Archives quotes that “between 1948 and 1970 nearly half a million people left their homes in the West Indies to live in Britain” to help to rebuild the UK after the Second World War. Not only did so many of the Windrush generation lose their lives due to deportation, when they initially arrived in the UK upon invitation on behalf of the Commonwealth to work, they were met with extreme racism, prejudice and hatred. Many often found themselves without the means to return back to their home countries once they had arrived, meaning some had no choice but to stay.

It’s therefore important to explore, discover and discuss the impact and influence of Caribbean presence in the UK, as well as understand Caribbean history in its own right. This helps us to not only celebrate Caribbean culture and history, but contributes to better contextualising the difficulties faced from the Windrush scandal. The Windrush generation had a significant impact on British culture, they brought reggae, ska, dub, amazing food and so much more to the UK. Many people are not aware of the extent to which the Caribbean community has permanently fortified and shaped British music, fashion and culture today.

Some family friendly resources on Caribbean history, culture and heritage, as well as their impact on British culture can be found at:

The Windrush Foundation: a selection of fantastic downloadable resources that incorporate music, geography and history in an engaging way for children.

National Archives: Caribbean History revealed

Thank you for exploring our guide! We hope that your Black History Month will be inspiring and interesting.

Providing our children with resources from the Black Community is a great way to start the conversation. We have a list of diverse resources for all age groups which can be found in our full guide: "Parent's Guide to Black Lives Matter".